
Stanford Park Nannies Receives Prestigious Childcare Industry Award!


Each year, the Association of Premier Nanny Agencies recognizes one agency in the country with the Honors Award for Excellence. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge an agency that not only meets but also exceeds APNA standards in its daily business practices. As Stanford Park Nannies celebrates their 20th year with these standards as their guide, they not only talk the talk, but they walk the walk of excellence. They are the proud recipients of the 2017 APNA Honors Award for Excellence.

Driven by a tough market of low unemployment rates and skyrocketing costs of living, it can be easy for an agency to become complacent in regard to tax laws. Stanford Park Nannies prides itself on the fact that legal compliance is a requirement. In fact, Stanford Park Nannies is only one of two agencies in the country that require legal compliance. Additionally, of the 25-30 agencies that aggressively promote compliance, none of them have gone as far as turning away a client for their unwillingness to pay legally.

With families, legal compliance is discussed before they engage in a search, during the initial inquiry phone call. Additionally, during the in-person consultation, owners Daryl and Maggie invest the time to provide individual counsel regarding legal pay and guide them through this process. This creates a working partnership based on clear expectations and high standards, and provides hard working nannies with the benefits they deserve.

In order to provide excellence in the area of customer service, Stanford Park Nannies approaches both candidate and client relationships with respect and with a dedication to truly understanding each individual’s needs. By investing the time to meet in person and by providing counsel throughout the search process, they create a close working partnership. As a result, 90% of SPN’s long-term placements continue beyond the first year.

Daryl and her team at Stanford Park Nannies are motivated by the bigger picture of advancing the in-home childcare industry, respecting everyone they serve, and continuing to lead by example. While many agencies uphold APNA standards and promote best practices, Stanford Park Nannies exceeds these high standards daily, even in the face of adversity.

This award acknowledges Stanford Park Nannies for being a living example of excellence, and serves as an inspiration to those in the in-home childcare industry.

Watch Daryl’s acceptance speech below!


Stanford Park Nannies
November 3, 2017
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Stanford Park Nannies
November 3, 2017
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"Finding the right caregiver for your children can feel like an overwhelming task, but Stanford Park Nannies made the process incredibly smooth and successful for our family. From the moment we contacted them, they were attentive, professional, and incredibly understanding of our specific needs. They made the entire process stress-free and gave us the gift of knowing our children are in the best hands possible."

Corey. R

“I would like to thank the whole team at SPN for all you guys do. In this midst of the heartbreak and hardships the COVID-19 crisis has imposed on our neighbors, our families, and our friends, I am also inspired and deeply moved by the compassion, resiliency, and the human spirit of the  SPN team. Thank you for being there with us. We are here for you.”

Jessica P.

"I would rate Stanford Park Nannies very highly! They provide a great flow of very qualified candidates, who are all prepared to pay taxes. They have a great vetting process and did not waste our time with those that weren’t a fit. In addition to our full-time search, they had the ability to quickly identify relevant interim/temp nannies as well!"

Jaime B.

"SPN is a powerhouse agency of incredible women who embody experience, passion, and a heart for service!"

Jamie H.